Bibliomancy has been another divination tool I increasingly employ. Bibliomancy is when you open a book to any random page. With eyes averted, you point a finger down onto a sentence or picture. Whatever is directly under that finger is the message you agree to ponder. Any book or magazine works for this. It doesn’t have to be spiritually based. Magazine ads can also be particularly filled with strikingly clear messages.
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When I sat down to write this post, I had nothing, and everything in mind for a topic. I was paralyzed by too many choices. Perhaps you know the feeling. For guidance on the matter, I turned to my Postcard Tarot. As is my custom, I cut the deck and pulled the third card down from the cut. When I saw the photo I thought, I know! I’ll play Let’s Find The Psychic Messages.
First, I’ll share what the card portrays (without showing it to you so you can imagine it as you will). Then I'll dissect the symbolism in it to extract its psychic insights. Now let’s see... In 1995 I'd founded a successful home-spun ice cream company in Honolulu, where I lived from 1987-2007. The business initially flourished, but due to the nature of distribution to the islands, I found that my venture wasn't ultimately sustainable. By 2004 I was drowning in debt, so I turned to tarot cards for help. - Do the cards suggest when the coronavirus crisis might end? If so, when?
I see the world grappling with this coronavirus for the long term, the same way it does other maladies such as polio, measles, flu, herpes, hepatitis, HIV, etc. We just have to live with it now. As far as the crisis phase of the situation, I see August of 2021 as a milestone time when there is a dramatic diminishment. - What do they say about when there might be a vaccine? Everything in the Universe is a symbol. Cast your eyes in any direction, your gaze would be met by one. Within a few minutes you'll probably tool through your email, visit a website, or download an app. Even if you were shopping or using a dishwasher—a symbol would guide your every move.
This morning I woke to find a coyote camouflaged on a rock outside my living room window. He was resting about fifty yards away from me. And for half an hour I had the great privilege to spy on him.
Recently I dreamt that an old tree had fallen in the backyard of my childhood home. As I peered out of my upstairs window, I spotted a house-cat sneaking up to a hollowed-out section of the tree. The cat looked around to make sure he was alone, then curled up into the nook he’d found.
Psychic dreams are typically simple scenes with not much going on. They tend to tell improbable stories; realistic, yet wrong in some way. For example, in reality that log I dreamt of doesn’t exist. My father keeps a tidy property and would never let a fallen tree lie around to rot. He also cultivates his outdoor space to attract a diversity of birds. A cat would not be welcome in his yard. So in literal terms the dream didn’t make sense. A friend of mine named Jerry spontaneously gave me this crystal about 20 years ago, saying to me, "Derek, meet Froggy." He'd aptly named it I'd say—it looks like a frog! Some weeks after, Jerry passed away. Since then, Froggy has been a cherished feature in my office. I love the symbolism of Frog, a totem of transformation. Frogs have an ability to adapt to two very different worlds. They can leap back and forth between their ancestral watery homes and the lighter atmosphere of land.
Whenever a frog shows up in a psychic reading, either in my mind's eye or through my Postcard Tarot—I apply this interpretation to whatever question my client has in mind: "Whatever transition you are going through—having a child, starting college, moving to a new country—you can make the leap and adapt to that new foreign environment. Plus, you can always return, although it will be in a changed form." I've leapt into many new transitions in my life—adapting to my role as a psychic symbolist, moving from Hawaii to New York, bringing my work to Tokyo once a year—and with each and every leap, Froggy has been by my side. Thank you Jerry! I cherish your gift immensely. |