Sometime last June I sat down to read for a bright young woman I’ll call J. In her session, she asked her departed father for a sign of reassurance that he was watching over her. A few days later, J’s dad delivered on her request—and in mind-blowing fashion!
Read on to see how it all came to pass.
I woke up last Sunday having dreamt a nightmare. I was lying on the beach with a friend. When I lifted my head from the sand and glanced toward the ocean, I was startled by a skyscraper-sized wall of water, ready to crash down upon us.
“Run!” You’ve probably had one of those dreams where you’re being chased? I like to imagine that my mind contains a a psychological pressure valve; that fearful dreams like these are a release of pent up anxiety. A client wrote to me:
“Hello Derek, I had a reading with you a year ago and wanted to provide you with feedback. Nothing from the reading has materialized, thus I’m hoping that maybe this year the events predicted will happen.” I appreciate your feedback, and interest in following your reading... A client writes,
Hi Derek, I was wondering if there is a significance of having a dream and then a month or even years later having that same exact scenario play out in real life. Have your other clients reported having this phenomenon? Did you know that by doodling you could foresee aspects of your future? I’ll show you how— through three samples below. Doodling, while I read for my clients, keeps me engaged with my imagination. And I’ve found it helps uncover remarkable psychic insights. Here’s a photo of a doodle I did that looks like hieroglyphics, symbols of an ancient mysterious language; just like the language of the psyche! I like to exercise my psychic mind by tuning in to synchronicities. Being part of a purely random coincidence leaves me with the distinct sense that a subtext is at play. I’m in a dialog with the Universe...
If you've had a psychic reading with me in person, find the template I used to assign your postcards to your story, below. The cards that showed up for you don't necessarily need to be associated with the theme of the house. But those correlations can offer an interesting guideline to wonder about.
Cheers, Derek In my work as a clairvoyant, I've had amazing psychic coincidences. And they don't always come through me. This one came through a client's dream...
An hour before she arrived, I was chopping some garlic for a marinade…and I know this will sound strange, but at the time, I was thinking about puke. You see, a while ago a stranger threw up on our back stoop. The event was an anomaly as life goes around here, but nonetheless disturbing. Anyway, after cleaning it up, I cleansed the energy around my reading area by laying some crystals along the windowsill and burning some sage. And so it was while chopping that garlic—just before my client arrived—that I was thinking, "I hope the crystals worked." And it was at this moment that I received a text from a friend in Hawaii that read:
Clients often ask me if phone readings are as good as in-person sessions. I feel they are, as the psychic mind is non-local; it’s able to transcend time and space. As a medium of communication, the phone commands your attention to the conversation. Since psychic ability is largely about being present and paying attention, I find the phone conducive to the process of a psychic reading.
But recently I’ve come up with a way to make the phone reading feel a little more like an in-person session— and my far-away clients love it. Those who’ve come in person have had the benefit of viewing my unique postcard tarot, which serves as a kind of modern tarot deck or symbolic photo album. It gives you a visual representation of ideas so you can see a little bit more of what I see. If you can be by your computer while we talk on the phone, I will email you a JPEG of 13 unique postcards selected to represent a chapter of your personal story. It's a bit like reviewing a dream, with a guide to interpret the symbolism.
I’ve discontinued 30-minute readings in favor of 60-minute sessions, which comprise the bulk of my work. Sometimes clients ask me to answer a “quick question,” such as: Will I get a job in June? When will I find a house? Will my wife come back to me?
Usually deeper issues are at play. 'Quick questions' may not be so easily answered. A ‘yes’ or ‘no’ answer may be readily obvious to a question. The indicators may certainly imply one of them. But there’s a process involved to arriving at those outcomes that takes time. Short psychic readings feel a bit like bread that’s been kneaded and proofed, but not yet baked. Microwaving it wouldn’t turn out a great loaf of bread. |