A spider’s web caught my eye early one morning recently. When I peered into a small hole at the center of the web, it took me half a minute to spot its creator. She was frozen in wait, deep within the grass. I thought, hunting requires a great deal of patience. Spider webs conjure differing symbolic messages depending on how and when you see them. Around Halloween they are tied across porches like cobwebs in an attic. Psychically, those images call upon us to play with our fears. Or perhaps they ask us to inventory our past, assess things we’ve been neglecting.
But the web seen here is alive: a fresh piece of construction from a ground spider. Every night this tiny insect constructs a flat canopy over an area of grass the size of two hands. When you think about the spider’s size relative to its net, you have to marvel at its engineering prowess. A spider is a symbol of a talented craftsman. When I imagine spiders in a psychic reading, my client might be an artist, architect, builder or store-front merchant. I figured that ground spiders must hunt prey other than the standard housefly. In a retail world this would be called “niche marketing.” Ever important is the axiom, Location, Location Location! Personality-wise, we could think of spiders as clever, conniving or simply survivalists. Since it was early in the day, the ground spider's web had trapped the morning dew. The real hunting was to happen once the day unfolded, the dew evaporated, and the web turned invisible. It reminded me of Star Trek when they turn on the Starship Enterprises’s cloaking device. The symbols presented to you in Coincidences, Dreams and Deja Vu have deep and varied psychic meanings. The themes and characteristics of any symbol can be therapeutic in helping you navigate challenges in your life. In my psychic workshop, we’ll practice imagining and interpreting psychic messages in symbols. Join me for the next psychic workshops in Manhattan. You can find the schedule on the Psychic Class page.
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