![]() Welcome To The Psychic Game! Fun for Ages 5 to 105. On a late October Sunday, only about twenty people were spread out on half a mile of pristine beach on the windward side of Oahu. My friend and I agreed: the Gold Prize for the most perfect, turquoise tropical sea goes to Hawai'i. We were splayed out under the shade of a palm—adorned, a la ZZ Top, with cheap sunglasses. It was a central casting moment. A cooler of sandwiches, sodas, fruit, and chips was positioned between us. Vast spaces of silence stretched out between our utterances. Two local kids slid into the surf on their boogie boards trying to get the best rush they could out of the tame waves. Gesturing to the ocean, I said, “It’s Sunday. Where are all the people when God gave us this?" Not that I wanted them there. My friend's answer struck me as somewhat obvious. I replied, “Oh...Of course.” The Psychic Game is played when you have two or more outcomes before you. Here are four possible responses my friend may have given to me. Which of them is the one? I pulled a card at random from my Postcard Tarot for your guidance, and received a card featuring “Portrait of Marie Henneberg” by Gustav Klimt which I picked up at the Neue Gallerie on Manhattan’s Upper East Side. You can view it here and return back to play: www.amazon.com/Portrait-Marie-Henneberg-Gustav-Klimt/dp/B01787V8OE First, choose an answer, intuiting the response that you sense my friend gave to my query from those below. Then, click through to my blog for her actual response. You’ll see it in bold. Thoughts on this psychic exercise will follow.
The question is, where are all the people? The clue is, Portrait of Marie Henneberg by Gustav Klimt. A. “They’re watching the game." B. “They’re at the mall.” C. “They’re following the news.” D. "They’re scrolling through social media." Today’s game involves a deterministic, yes or no type question. Clients often ask them, such as: Am I going to get the job or not? Is he going to reply by next week or not? If so, what day? What day!? I’m a symbolist, not an all-seeing God. If I could get that specific I would play the lottery. However, a symbol will strongly indicate. Without a symbol, you’re just guessing. Before reading on, ask yourself which reply might best be symbolized by Klimt’s painting and choose one. In this exercise, you didn’t have anything to go on other than the card I offered you, and my “Oh, of course” response. By consulting the Postcard Tarot, you’ll get some clues as to the outcome. My friend responded with B. “They’re at the mall.” I think this fits for the fashionable painting of the woman in a regal dress. It has nothing to do with the news or sports. I guess one could stretch and see a social media post in it, but you’d most likely see this model at the mall. I invite you to join me in a psychic reading for clarity, confirmation and direction on the matters most important to you. Thank you for referring my work to your friends, cousins, siblings, neighbors and coworkers. Your referrals are a great gift! Aloha, Derek
Every once in a while we step into a scene so bizarre, so incongruous with normalcy, that it stops us in our tracks. We think, “Look at that!” Some people cultivate a garden or an art collection. I’m into cultivating Coincidences, Dreams and Deja Vu. I believe that I experience such encounters because I first ask the Universe for them and then, the ever important step of paying attention. You have to be on the lookout. Usually I’m looking for a sign that seemingly impossible possibilities are possible. On September 4th, 2019, a male praying mantis hitched a ride from Manhattan to New Jersey on the railing of a Seastreak ferry that I took, to spend a beach day at Sandy Hook National Recreation Park. The views of Manhattan, Brooklyn, the bridges between and the Statue of Liberty are spectacular. What was more spectacular on this particular trip is that our hitchhiker clung to the metal railing as we headed across the bay. It’s a very windy 45 minute journey but he hung on the whole way. I can’t believe that I managed to snap a photo of it. Praying Mantis is a master at stillness and patience. They take their time, slow and easy. It brought a smile to my face as I was heading to the beach for some relaxation!
I often think, once I or my client discovers a clear message in my cards, 'Well, how else would the oracle more efficiently send the message?' It can't speak after all. Engaging with it is like playing the game charades.
If you look at this particular spread of three photos, we first see what appears to be a teenaged girl flopped over a plush chair, ensconced in a book at a library or bookstore. This is just the kind of image that might come up when my client reveals they have it easy in their job or that they have exams coming up. Or they’re thinking about a sabbatical in France or Wisconsin—places I associate with cheese. What do we imagine she is reading? It could be a travel guide or cookbook. Is there a message of spiritual guidance in these pictures? Definitely. When these cards came up for one young woman, I said, “Let’s start with the left and say that she is you. You’re in a library (to my mind) so I’m thinking you’re studying. I’d intuit that you were reading a novel, but the varieties of cheese and the strawberries nearby don’t look like novel material to me. They look more technical, like they're for people interested in natural sciences. Now look at how you’re so casually spread out as if that chair were in your living room! If you were reading material you dreaded, I doubt you'd be so relaxed. You're enjoying this. Are you interested in food, starting a cooking blog, podcast, working in a restaurant or…" “I want to be a nutritionist. I want to study in Paris," she said, giving me a shy hopeful smile. "My mother studied there." “Oui! Bien sur. Of course. May I point out a detail in the cards? Take a look at the top of the cheese card. What does it say there?” "La Fromagerie." She is grinning from ear to ear now. "Exactly," I said. "Meaning the cheese factory or shop, in French. The card could have that typed out in English but it doesn't. I would say your cards very much like your dream." _________________ Thank you for telling your friends about my work. Derek ![]() This story of a detailed psychic prediction will make you smile. My client was from Florida, as many of my clients are for some reason. Well, I do know why actually. Floridians love New York. And New Yorkers love Florida. It's a symbiotic relationship. I don't think you could see a Christmas tree in Rockefeller Center in Florida any more than you could see the azure waters of Key West in Manhattan. So we naturally gravitate towards one another. I’m constantly amazed by how clearly symbols communicate. An octagon says stop, an inverted triangle, yield. The color orange, slow down. The three cards from this reading were drawn from behind my client's back so to speak. I keep my deck handy and when a particular topic comes up I draw out a three cards spread. For the spread you see here, I deduced that my client's husband was a cop and they would be going to New York for the holidays this December. How did I know that? Well, the first picture is a botanical display of a chestnut, which, according to the Christmas song, are roasting on an open fire. The second photo is a fox. The one portrayed forayed into our family's back yard one morning. It was a rare sighting and I managed to snap a photo of him by placing my iPhone lens over the lens of my binoculars. I can't believe it worked! You're going to be blown away by this story and the layers of psychic messaging in it. For many years I didn’t watch much television. I entirely missed The X-Files which I’m now really into. It’s a story about paranormal activity investigated by two detectives, one of which is named Fox. I could have gone with Fox television or 20th Century Fox but the third card is of a woman looking out over a balcony at the Empire State Building. Have you ever seen the film An Affair to Remember? One of my favorite romance films. It has a scene on the top of the Empire. It tells me there’s a relationship here. I looked up the film online because I remembered Cary Grant was in it but I forgot who the actress was. It’s Deborah Kerr. But subsequently I learned that it was distributed by…20th Century Fox! Those cards…they're always winking at you. Let’s do our own detective work on the cards that come out for you. The layers of meaning and guidance that they can provide will stay with you, and guide you. Thank you for telling your friends about my work. Aloha, Derek Yellow is a bright, pretty, optimistic color. But also a color of warning and emergency. One could come up with a thousand psychic messages in its pigment.
Today, enter into an actual reading in a behind-the-scenes view of what can happen when a color card appears in the center of your session. What’s happening in Derek’s mind? How does my client respond? I sat down for a meditation conversation with my spirit guide, Jakar, who coaxed many of the color’s infinite meanings out of me as we recapped a recent reading.
National Geographic, Architectural Digest, Popular Mechanics, The Atlantic, Scientific American, Smithsonian, New York Magazine and many other regionals offer perfect imagery for my evolving deck. Since moving back to Hawaii, I cut out and collaged a series of images in ten colors from glossy magazines to see what each one indicated. These became tarot cards which convey amazingly specific insights into my clients’ life stories and goals. Where did each color show up? Why was it used? When does it appear? What does it suggest as an outcome?
By answering questions like these, we discover key words that can be employed to extract sentences with meaning. Through interpretation, a color can speak to an issue with keen insight and guidance, providing ideas about a direction or conundrum. I don’t think I ever pull out this card without thinking of Stevie Wonder: He sings in my mind: “Isn’t she lovely…!” Here’s what I see in white as it’s represented in this card: Dress up for a celebration like a wedding or birthday. Decorative. Innocent, a virgin. Comfortable, soft like a pillow. Protective. Sterile. Frosting on the cake. Cold like snow. Winter. Stands out, like a golf ball on a green. Vulnerable like a seal pup. Pure like milk. Stork says a baby is coming. Fragile like a glacier. Colors show up in every reading. What will yours be? The psyche communicates in symbols, metaphors and allegory. When I’m performing a reading and a topic comes up, I close my eyes and let an image come to mind. It’s usually incongruous with whatever subject is at hand. But I don't let that deter me from investigating why it appeared and am rewarded for doing so. Just because a symbolic image is peculiar or out of context doesn't mean it can't speak to the issue. If you accept an image from your psychic intuition, and walk around it asking questions, it will inevitably speak to the subject at hand.
My client brought up a dispute within her family about a house in New England. That’s when I saw the log in my mind’s eye. It was teaming with ants, grubs, and beetles. “So this is a large, old country type house?" “It is.” I thought of all those insects traipsing in and out of the log. “Was it ever a community center or hotel?” “My grandmother ran a school out of it back in the day. My brother feels nostalgia for the place and says we can fix it. I want to tear it down and rebuild.” So what’s my psychic vision for this story? While they have many preservation tools that could restore the house, the image I received suggests a place too far gone. About a month later my client emailed to say the demolition date was set. I said, “For December?” “How did you know that?” I took a guess between December, January and February because it’s easier to cut down a tree when it’s cold, not sappy. Clues to psychic visions are always there. You just have to hunt for them and consider what you know about them. I love playing a game with the Universe that I simply call, Coincidence. When I quietly call for one, it undoubtedly appears—as long as I’m on the alert. When it occurs, I get tingles.
A common question my clients ask is, "Derek, when do you see this or that happening?" All symbols can tell time...